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Internal Fighting Arts | Learn Real-World Martial Arts Insights from Top Instructors of Tai Chi - Xingyi - Bagua and Qiqong

Dec 20, 2021

What is the secret of achieving enlightennment, awakening, nirvana? Are we sleep-walking through our lives? How do we become better people? Zen Buddhist monk Douglas A. Gentile, an ordained monk with the Five Mountain Zen Order who is also a professor at Iowa State University with a Ph.D. in child psychology, talks...

Nov 30, 2021

Ken Gullette talks with Byron Jacobs, a teacher of Xingyiquan and Bagua Zhang who lives in Beijing. His teacher is Di Guoyong. This is a wide-ranging interview that touches on topics ranging from training in China to a book he is writing about the Xingyiquan classics, and they talk about training in Xingyiquan,...

Aug 14, 2021

Louis Martin is the author of "The True Believers," the story of how he became involved in a martial arts school in Monterey, California that had a charismatic teacher and a cult-like atmosphere. Ken Gullette talks with Louis in a wide-ranging discussion of critical thinking skills, what kind of people are lured into...

May 21, 2021

J. Justin Meehan is an attorney in St. Louis and the senior U.S. disciple of Master Zhang Xue Xin, who lives in San Francisco and is a disciple of the late Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang. Sifu Justin, as his students call him, began studying Tai Chi Chuan in 1967. He also studied other arts, including Shaolin, Northern and...

Apr 16, 2021

Ken Gullette talks Bagua Zhang with Dennis Mace, an instructor of Cheng style Bagua Zhang in Seattle, Washington and a disciple of the late Yang Guo Tai. Ken and Dennis met when Ken was 34 and Dennis was a teenager. Both were training in the internal arts in Omaha, Nebraska. They each went their own paths studying...